Weekly Book Club 037 (Exclusive) - Guns, Germs, and Steel
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(The English version follows)
人类社会发展得如此不平衡,到底是什么原因?是因为人种的问题?还是因为其他?Jared M. Diamond 在 Guns, Germs, and Steel 这本书中给出了自己的答案:
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What is the reason why human society has developed so unevenly? Is it because of ethnicity? In Guns, Germs, and Steel, Jared M. Diamond gives his answer:
differences in technological development are determined by three main factors: the efficiency of food production, the efficiency of diffusion, and the size of the population.
the efficiency of food production depends on climate, domesticated food crops, and domesticated mammals.
the efficiency of technology diffusion depends largely on geographic factors.
the size of the population is in fact closely related to food crops and domesticable mammals again.
the differences in the development of societies have little to do with human race and are more due to geographical and biological factors.
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