Daily Productive Sharing 820 - Building software to last forever

One helpful tip per day:)
Herman Martinus has set up a free blog service—bearblog.dev, and promises it will be online forever. To achieve this, he has made the following efforts:
Utilizes a reliable technology stack, such as the Django framework.
Performs server-side rendering for the front-end, rather than client-side rendering.
Bear maintains profitability, ensuring financial sustainability.
He has linked Bear with his own identity, meaning he would not easily sell the product.
He plans to establish a foundation for Bear to ensure its future operation.
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Herman Martinus 搭建了一个免费的 blog 服务 -- bearblog.dev,并承诺它会永远在线。为此,他做了以下努力:
使用可靠的技术栈,比如 Django 框架;
Bear 保持盈利,所以财务上可持续;
将 bear 与他本人的身份绑定,所以他不会轻易出售这一产品;
他计划为 Bear 建立一个基金会,保证它未来的运作。
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