Daily Productive Sharing 801 - How to Write Like Kareem

One helpful tip per day:)
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar introduced how he created the best newsletter in the world:
I will unexpectedly start in the evening because that is when many ideas start to percolate.
First, it’s important to know that each newsletter takes four days to write, and because I write two a week, they overlap, and I’m usually working on two at a time.
I collect all articles that interest, amuse, anger, or intrigue me into a folder for later evaluation. I do this seven days a week.
I want to be sure I’m contributing to the discussion, not just echoing.
When I get out of bed, I read all the publications I mentioned before and add anything worthwhile to my folder, which is labeled for the date I intend to post.
The first step in writing is research. I try to read as much about a subject as I can before adding my commentary. I’m not looking for ideas, I’m looking for more context.
The next step involves a rough draft of my main ideas which is then followed by lots of rewriting and polishing. I want to give clarity, examples, metaphors, and research—and I want it all in entertaining language.
During the rest of the day, I keep thinking about each segment and will come up with a new phrase or sentence, or example. I’ll write a note and later go back in and rewrite once again.
What about Kareem’s Video Break? I confess that this is actually the hardest and most time-consuming part of each newsletter. I’m very picky. I look for clips that are funny or heart-warming, or unusual.
Reading comments may be my favorite part of the entire process because that’s when I feel most connected to our Substack community. That’s when I feel most heard.
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