Daily Productive Sharing 794 - Devote Yourself to the Cause
One helpful tip per day:)
Evan Armstrong reviewed his transition from working full time in tech to writing as a full-time job:
I hated everything I was doing all day. But I was addicted to what gave me, such as power and the prestige and the money;
No matter how little time their job takes or how automated their wealth, until they do the work to find work with purpose, it is all meaningless.
Finding ways to imbue each moment with meaning and purpose and effort is the only path to long-term happiness.
If you find that most of your tasks make you miserable, maybe it is time for a change.
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Evan Armstrong 回顾了自己从科技业的全职工作到目前以写作为生的转变:
三年前的今天,我们发出了 Daily Productivity Sharing 的第一期。当时我的处境和 Evan Armstrong 非常像,在 Covid 爆发之后被裁员。尽管那份工作带给我不错的收入和光环,但我一点也不喜欢那份工作。准备 DPS 也是因为在豆瓣发文章经常被锁,于是决定尝试 Substack。
受到湾区日报和科技爱好者周刊的启发,我们定下了一个小目标,就是每个工作日分享一篇和生产力相关的文章。也因为这个微小的目标,我们坚持了下来。三年来,我们一天没断地更新了794篇 DPS。
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