Daily Productive Sharing 793 - Write about what you learn

One helpful tip per day:)
Addy Osmani introduced the method of using continuous writing to learn knowledge:
By introducing new knowledge to others, we can help ourselves identify our own gaps in understanding;
Introducing new knowledge to others also requires us to understand the subject matter thoroughly, further strengthening our grasp of it;
And by introducing it through writing, we can further reflect on it during the process.
After reading Addy Osmani's articles, they are indeed very clear, which probably has a lot to do with his years of persistence.
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Addy Osmani 介绍了利用持续写作来学习知识的方法:
读了读 Addy Osmani 的文章,确实非常清晰,这恐怕与他多年的坚持也有很大的关系。
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