Daily Productive Sharing 772 - Four books professional developers should read

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Phil Eaton recommended four highly valuable books for software developers:
Effective Python: 90 Specific Ways to Write Better Python
High Performance Browser Networking
Designing Data-Intensive Applications
Site Reliability Engineering: How Google Runs Production Services
Among these four books, I have read the first and third ones, and they had a significant impact on me. Additionally, there are two more books that are similar to these four:
Designing Machine Learning Systems, which can be considered as the "DDIA" (Designing Data-Intensive Applications) of the machine learning domain. It focuses on how to transform a business problem into a machine learning problem in a production environment and goes through the entire process from training to deployment and maintenance.
Software Engineering at Google, which discusses Google's software development practices.
I am planning to start reading Site Reliability Engineering: How Google Runs Production Services seriously and aim to finish it within two weeks.
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Phil Eaton 推荐了四本物超所值的书给软件开发者:
Effective Python: 90 Specific Ways to Write Better Python
High Performance Browser Networking
Designing Data-Intensive Applications
Site Reliability Engineering: How Google Runs Production Services
Designing Machine Learning Systems,这本可以视为机器学习届的 DDIA,它的重点是讲在生产环境中,如何将一个商业问题转变为一个机器学习的问题,然后一步步从训练到上线,再维护迭代。
Software Engineering at Google 讲的是 Google 的软件开发实践。
我打算开始认真读 Site Reliability Engineering: How Google Runs Production Services,争取两周读完这本书。
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