Daily Productive Sharing 771 - Pain Is Part of the Process

One helpful tip per day:)
Mark Manson introduced the idea that pain is an integral part of life:
the Polish psychologist Dąbrowski argues that a proper amount of psychological suffering helps us to grow;
when we are honest about our suffering and learn from it, we can become better and stronger;
life is meant to be a spiral, intertwined with pleasure and pain;
although we cannot what to suffer, we can choose how to face suffering and how to interpret it.
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Mark Manson 介绍道,痛苦是人生不可或缺的一部分:
波兰心理学家 Dąbrowski 认为适度的心理痛苦有助于我们成长;
我们虽然不能选择痛苦 ,但我们可以选择如何面对痛苦,如何解读痛苦。
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