Daily Productive Sharing 762 - Internalize Knowledge from Readings

One helpful tip per day:)
Alan Zhan shared how he uses Heptabase to internalize the knowledge from readings:
Highlight all important paragraphs while reading.
Dissect the content of a book into granular concepts.
Map the relationships between these concepts.
Group similar concepts together.
Recall and apply concepts.
In his view, steps two to four are the most important, because these three steps require you to break down the existing structure and reassemble it according to your own understanding. This is how you can internalize the knowledge from books.
He also mentioned some important details:
Each knowledge card has a title in one sentence that summarizes it in his own words.
When organizing these knowledge points, he puts related cards together. If they are very similar, he merges them into one card.
These steps usually require a lot of effort to complete, but going through these steps will give you a deeper understanding of knowledge and help you remember them better.
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Alan Chan 分享了自己如何使用 Heptabase 消化阅读而内化知识,一共有五步:
在他看来,二到四步是最重要的步骤 -- 因为三步需要你将原有的结构打散,按照自己的理解重新组合起来。这样才能将书本中的知识内化成我们的。
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