Daily Productive Sharing 761 - How to Do Great Work?

One helpful tip per day:)
Paul Graham has written a lengthy essay on how to do meaningful work, which can be roughly divided into four parts:
Identify a domain
Learn from the leading edge
Find gaps
Be bold in experimentation
In the essay, he delves into details:
What you should not do is drift along passively, assuming the problem will solve itself. You need to take action.
Work has a sort of activation energy, both per day and per project. And since this threshold is fake in the sense that it's higher than the energy required to keep going, it's ok to tell yourself a lie of corresponding magnitude to get over it.
When I'm reluctant to start work in the morning, I often trick myself by saying "I'll just read over what I've got so far." Five minutes later I've found something that seems mistaken or incomplete, and I'm off.
Original ideas don't come from trying to have original ideas. They come from trying to build or understand something slightly too difficult.
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Paul Graham 写了万字长文,介绍了如何做有意义的事。大致分为四块:
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