Daily Productive Sharing 741 - No Regret

One helpful tip per day:)
Jeff Bezos has a simple framework: If I want to minimize regret when I am 80 years old, what should I do now? Morgan Housel elaborates on this idea:
Regret is a form of risk that is often hidden for years or decades, making it important to have a well-calibrated sense of future regret.
Risk is not just about how much money you might lose but also the regret that might come later.
In life, we should spend time trying to figure out what we will or won’t regret.
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Jeff Bezos 有一个简单的思维模式:如果在我80岁的时候,我要尽可能地减少后悔,我现在该怎么做?Morgan Housel 就此延伸:
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