Daily Productive Sharing 728 - When you do not need money or attention

One helpful tip per day:)
Derek Sivers shared his recent experience of donating the revenue from his book sales:
A few years ago, he moved the sales of his books to his own website, selling directly to readers, without any intermediaries.
Since he registered his company as a C-corp, all income would go into a fund, and he personally could not get any income from it.
He donated these revenue from selling books to several NGOs, saving many lives.
In his view, this is practicing his philosophy of not striving for money.
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Derek Sivers 分享了最近写书捐赠的经历:
由于他把公司注册为 C-corp,所有的收入会进入一个基金,而他个人无法从中获得任何收入;
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