Daily Productive Sharing 714 - Mistakes as A New Manager

One helpful tip per day:)
Ben Kuhn reflected on his experience as a technical manager and summarized some lessons:
His path to becoming a manager was not smooth sailing, as he repeatedly switched between management and development positions.
After becoming a manager, he constantly questioned whether he was doing something useful.
When asking for feedback from subordinates, he found that asking more detailed questions, such as "Was that meeting useful?" would usually yield valuable insights.
He decided to only allow himself to write code when no one else cared about the completion time.
Newcomers to some extent appreciate micro-management (if they are self-aware and treated kindly by the manager).
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Ben Kuhn 回顾了自己任职技术经理的经历,总结了一些经验:
新人在一定程度上会感激 micro management(如果他们有自知之明,并且你对待他们很友善);
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