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Tony Dinh started developing a UI page for ChatGPT, typingmind.com, in early March and quickly gained over $20,000 in revenue. Reflecting on this experience, he has several insights:
Because he is not good at marketing, he had to put in a lot of effort to build two communities, one on Twitter and one through email.
For every new feature he added, he tweeted about it.
typingmind is not his first AI product, and his previous two products unfortunately failed.
Although he admits he may not be able to solve mid-level problems on LeetCode, he can quickly write code that solves problems.
As an independent developer, he was able to save a lot of time on communication and meetings.
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Tony Dinh 在三月初开始开发了一个 ChatGPT 的 UI 页面:typingmind.com,然后迅速推广,在很短的时间内获得了超过两万美金的收入。回顾这一段经历,他有不少感慨:
因为不擅长营销,他花了很大的力气建立了 Twitter 和邮件列表两个社群;
每更新一个功能,他就发布一条 tweet;
typingmind 并不是他的第一个 AI 产品,前两个都不幸夭折;
尽管他坦诚自己不一定能解决 LeetCode 上的中级难题,但是他可以很迅速地写出能够解决问题的代码;
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