Daily Productive Sharing 657 - Read More Books
One helpful tip per day:)
Mark Manson shares his insights on reading:
it is not necessary to read in order to remember all the details in every book, but simply to remember what the book is about;
it is not necessary to read every page of a book, but rather to pursue the maximum intake of information;
we are less likely to remember the knowledge gained from reading unless we relate it to our lives.
Mark has a rule that he will abandon a book if he has read 10% of it and hasn't read something that interests him
Mark has a set amount of time to read every day.
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Mark Manson 分享了他对阅读的见解:
Mark 有一条规矩,如果读了一本书的 10% 还没有读到让他感兴趣的内容,他就会放弃这本书;
Mark 每天会有固定的时间拿来阅读。
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