Daily Productive Sharing 540 - Who I Want to Work for?

One helpful tip per day:)
Keavy McMinn lists the qualities of managers she would like to work for, and overall, it's a detailed list for supportive managers. She also admits to being a self-driven employee who can get things done if she is given directions. Self-driven employee + supportive manager should be the best match in today's work environment, right?
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Keavy McMinn 列举了她愿意为之工作的管理者的品质,总体而言,这是一个对于 supportive manager 的详细清单。当然她也坦承自己是一个自驱性的员工,只要指明方向,她就能完成任务。自驱性员工 + supportive manager 应该是当下工作环境中最优的搭配了吧?
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