Daily Productive Sharing 536 - Decouple Your Happiness From Goals

One helpful tip per day:)
Hannah England suggests that we decouple goals and happiness.
If we tie the two, often we feel only briefly happy when we have achieved our goals.
If we pay more attention to the little progress and feelings in the process, we will be happier.
Recently, I was talking with my coach about career development, and I said I had never been in a big tech company like FAANG, and I always felt something was missing. She listened to me and asked me two questions: 1. what does it mean to you to be in a big company like FANNG? and 2. how would you feel if you really got such a position?
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Hannah England 建议我们将目标和开心与否解绑:
最近和我的 coach 聊起职业发展,我说没进过类似 FAANG 的大公司,总觉得缺什么。她听了之后,问了我两个问题:1. 进 FANNG 之类的大公司对你意味着什么?2. 如果你真的拿到这样的职位,你会有什么感受?
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