Daily Productive Sharing 520 - Experience of Bitnami Founder

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Last week I found a collection of 39 interviews with female founders produced by Y Combinator. Only one of them is a product I've used before -- Bitnami, an app store that makes paid versions of open source software available on cloud providers. For example, so if you want to use Wordpress on AWS, you can install Wordpress yourself with your bare hands, or you can choose the version offered by Bitnami with a click of a mouse. Its co-founder, Erica Brescia, shares her experience as an entrepreneur.
she comes from a family of entrepreneurs and that her father taught her corporate structure when she was 12 years old;
she obtained a management position at T-Mobile when she was 21 years old;
she was also a mother when she founded Bitnami, and this role pushed her to focus on what really matters.
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上周发现了 Y Combinator 制作的女性创始人访谈合集,一共有39个访谈。其中只有一个产品是我曾经用过的 -- Bitnami。这是一个将开源软件的付费版本提供到云服务商上的应用商店,比如你想在 AWS 上使用 Wordpress,可以自己徒手安装 Wordpress,也可以点点鼠标选择 Bitnami 提供的版本。它的联合创始人 Erica Brescia 分享了自己的创业经历:
她在21岁时获得了 T-Mobile 的管理职位;
创立 Bitnami 时,她也是一位母亲,而这一角色促使她专注在真正重要的事情上。
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