Daily Productive Sharing 514 - How Do You Position Yourself with 5-year Experience?

One helpful tip per day:)
If you are a software engineer with 5-year experience, what can you do to improve yourself further? Will Larson shared some suggestions:
You’re still just getting started, there is still more to learn and new things to do.
Decisions aren’t permanent. Increasingly I believe that there are very few trapdoor decisions.
If you’re lucky, at some point in your career you’ll find a company that values you much, much more than previous ones.
Once your resume “looks right”, you’ll have more and easier access to interesting opportunities, including second opportunities if something you try doesn’t end up working out.
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如果你已经在科技业工作了五年,下一步做什么?Will Larson 给出了他的建议:
一旦你的简历 "看起来不错",你将有更多和更容易的机会获得有趣的机会,包括在你尝试的东西最终没有成功的情况下的第二次机会。
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