Daily Productive Sharing 509 - How to Write Cover Letter Effectively?

One helpful tip per day:)
Evan Prodromoou introduces a very different cover letter model, the purpose of which is to let the hiring manager quickly understand you:
you write a cover letter that you yourself are interested in reading.
if there is a specific job description, then identify the key points and write a cross-reference to see if you fit those criteria.
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在海外求职时,很多公司都会要求提交 CV 和 cover letter。前者大家基本都有所准备,而后者会让很多朋友摸不着头脑。Evan Prodromoou 介绍了一种非常不同的 cover letter 模式,其宗旨就是让雇佣方快速了解你:
你写的 cover letter 要让你自己也有兴趣读;
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