Daily Productive Sharing 504 - How to Find a Remote CS Master Program?

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As a veteran of the software industry, Evan Prodromou wanted to go back to school to get a master's degree in computer science. Since his undergraduate degree was in physics, he self-taught himself into the software industry.
He targeted the top 20 computer science departments in the U.S. to see if they had a reasonable part-time distance degree. He ended up applying to CMU, Penn, UT, UIUC and Georgia Tech.
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作为一位软件行业的资深从业者,Evan Prodromou 打算回炉重造,想读取一个计算机硕士的学位。因为他本科学位是物理,自学成才进入了软件行业。
他将目标锁定在美国前二十的计算机系,看看他们十分有合理的远程兼职学位。最后他申请了 CMU, Penn, UT, UIUC 还有 Georgia Tech。
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