Daily Productive Sharing 496 - How To Reflect and Plan?

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David Speaky introduced his semi-annual reflection and planning, in his opinion, reflection can facilitate our planning for the future. In each of his reflections, he looks back on the past six months through a series of questions, for example, on past challenges, he asks himself the following questions:
Could I have predicted it?
Did I ever lose my cool?
How did I handle it?
How would I have done it better?
For future challenges, he has a list of questions:
How likely is it?
Can I avoid it?
What steps can I take right now to avoid it or make it easier?
How can I turn the challenge into an opportunity?
What is the worse potential outcome from this challenge?
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David Speaky 介绍了自己每半年一次的反思与计划,在他看来,反思能促进我们计划未来。在他的每次反思中,他会通过一系列问题来回顾过去这半年来,比如对于过去的挑战,他会问自己:
Could I have predicted it?
Did I ever lose my cool?
How did I handle it?
How would I have done it better?
How likely is it?
Can I avoid it?
What steps can I take right now to avoid it or make it easier?
How can I turn the challenge into an opportunity?
What is the worse potential outcome from this challenge?
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