Daily Productive Sharing 486 - How to Take A Real Rest?

One helpful tip per day:)
The Sweet Setup practices the principle of one week of sabbatical every eight weeks, and founder Shawn Blanc documented one of his recent sabbaticals as follows:
real rest helps you rekindle your motivation.
true rest requires effort, not jus lying done.
he plans a big project to complete at each sabbatical, complemented by a regular fitness routine. This time sabbatical he mostly just grilled.
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The Sweet Setup 践行每八周有一周 sabbatical 的原则,创始人 Shawn Blanc 记录了自己最近的一个 sabbatical:
他在每次 sabbatical 都会规划一个大项目去完成,辅以规律性的健身。这回 sabbatical 他主要就是烤肉。
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