Daily Productive Sharing 480 - How to Work Four Days A Week?

One helpful tip per day:)
An increasing number of regions and companies around the world are experimenting with a four-day work week, such as Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates and some companies in England. RescueTime, who introduced this system company-wide last year, summarized how the switch from a five-day to a four-day work week.
Structure your workflow to lighten up Fridays
Examine your own productivity and see what works
Broach it with your team
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世界上越来越多的地区和公司开始试行一周四天工作制,比如阿联酋的沙迦酋长国,英格兰的部分公司。RescueTime 与去年在全公司内推行这一制度,他们总结了如何从五天工作制转换到四天工作制:
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