Daily Productive Sharing 470 - The Economic Downturn Is on the Way

One helpful tip per day:)
Y Combinator, Silicon Valley's leading incubator, recently sent out a memo to their portfolio companies reminding them to prepare for the economic downturn.
No one can predict how bad the economy will get, but things don’t look good.
The safe move is to plan for the worst.
If you don’t have the runway to reach default alive and your existing investors or new investors are willing to give you more money right now (even on the same terms as your last round) you should strongly consider taking it.
Regardless of your ability to fundraise, it’s your responsibility to ensure your company will survive if you cannot raise money for the next 24 months.
Understand that the poor public market performance of tech companies significantly impacts VC investing.
Your fundraising experience was most likely not normal and future fundraises will be much more difficult.
If you are post Series A and pre-product market fit, don’t expect another round to happen at all until you have obviously hit product market fit.
If your plan is to raise money in the next 6-12 months, you might be raising at the peak of the downturn.
Remember that many of your competitors will not plan well, maintain high burn, and only figure out they are screwed when they try to raise their next round.
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硅谷著名孵化器 Y Combinator 最近发了一份备忘录给他们投资的公司,提醒他们为经济下行做好准备:
科技公司在公开市场上的糟糕表现会大大影响 VC 的投资。
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