Daily Productive Sharing 448 - What Is Obvious to You Might Be Awesome to Others

One helpful tip per day:)
#note_taking #mental
Creaters also share the imposter symtomps. David Sivers notes that this is a common feeling among creators that they feel their own work are just obvious but not amazing, but he continues to create because to his audience, it may sound amzing to his audience.
When we created this newsletter, we just wanted to keep sharing a little bit every day, to get a little bit better every day. It may be a very small bit, but quite a few readers told us that it has been helpful to them.
Thank you! And I hope you will share a little bit of yourselves to more friends.
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创作者也有替代者综合症:总认为自己的作品非常显而易见,并不特殊;而看到别人的作品时,常常觉得如雷贯耳。David Sivers 指出这是创作者常见的感觉,但他仍旧继续创作,因为对他的受众而言,可能这些作品是如雷贯耳。
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