Daily Productive Sharing 428 - Writing A Book With 10 Minutes A Day

One helpful tip per day:)
How, exactly, did I manage to write a book in this short a time? I had one simple rule: I had to work on the book for just ten minutes, every day, no excuses. Ever.
The original reason I tracked my time, in fact, was that I wanted to motivate myself by having a streak of days, and I figured that instead of just tallying check marks, I’d write down exactly how long I spent. It worked — I never missed a day.
All I needed to do was stare at the page for ten minutes and try to do something that felt like progress.
The other thing that really helped is that I didn’t allow myself to check my email until I worked on the book.
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Alex Allain 在2010-2011年花了不到200小时写成了 Jumping Into C++ 这本书,他是如何做到的呢?
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