Daily Productive Sharing 423 - 100 Ways to Slightly Improve Your Life

One helpful tip per day:)
#note_taking #mental
In Monday's share, we recommended Shawn Blanc's advice on how to spend five minutes while feeling of doing nothing Daily Productive Sharing 421 - 20220328. Today's share lists 100 little things that can make us happier, many of which can be done in such five minutes. For example:
Call an old friend out of the blue.
Thank a teacher who changed your life.
Keep a book in your bag to avoid the temptation to doomscroll.
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本周一的分享里,我们推荐了 Shawn Blanc 的建议 -- 如何打发无所事事的五分钟 Daily Productive Sharing 421 - 20220328。今天的分享列举了可以让我们更愉悦的100件小事,很多正好可以在五分钟内完成。比如:
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