Daily Productive Sharing 420 - The War Impact to the Tech Industry

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This article by Gergely Orosz is a very comprehensive account of the impact of the war on the Ukrainian/Russian technology industry.
It’s tempting to follow the footsteps of sanctions that countries are doing. But will it have the effect that these companies hope: that is, helping to end the conflict sooner?
Until now, Ukraine had the pull of family, low taxes in the IT sector, and relative stability, save for the East of Ukraine.
Ukraine has been so popular because there is good senior engineering talent to hire, and because - unlike most of Europe - notice periods are short, and given a good budget, it’s easy enough to hire senior tech talent, relatively quickly.
Companies are starting mass evacuation efforts from Russia, starting on 28 February.
Companies employing remote Russian contractors are starting to see major problems paying these contractors.
Those working in tech in Russia are some of the most employable people, and also those with likely some amount of savings.
If you have colleagues from Eastern/Central Europe, especially in countries neighboring Ukraine or Russia (Finland, Poland, Romania, Moldova, Slovakia, Hungary) know that most of them will be stressed and worried if and how this war can spread and impact them.
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Gergely Orosz 的这篇文章非常全面介绍战争对于乌克兰/俄罗斯两国科技业的影响:
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