Daily Productive Sharing 417 - A Non-fiction List by Will Larson

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Will Larson shared his extensive list of non-fiction books from 2019 to 2022, covering technology, investing, management and more. It just so happens that there are some books in there that I've finished reading.
System Design Interview - An Insider's Guide: Volume 2 by Alex Xu and Sahm Lam - This book details how to design software systems, from the simplest single server to complex systems, and is great learning material, even if it's not for interviews.
Designing Data-Intensive Applications by Martin Kleppmann - This book, which we have recommended several times, is a bible on how to design complex data processing systems.
Super Pumped by Mike Isaac - A look at the history of Uber's beginnings.
Angel by Jason Calacanis - An introduction to angel investing in Silicon Valley, including investment strategies and investment practices.
Company of One by Paul Jarvis - Describes all aspects of how to create an independent company, giving many success stories.
Principles by Ray Dalio - The investment philosophy of Ray Dalio, founder of the Bridgewater Fund.
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Will Larson 分享了他从2019年到2022年间的非虚构书单,涵盖了科技,投资,管理等领域,非常丰富。正巧里面也有一些我度过的书:
System Design Interview – An Insider’s Guide: Volume 2 by Alex Xu and Sahm Lam - 这本详细介绍了如何设计软件系统,从最简单的单服务器到复杂系统慢慢展开,即使不是为了面试,也是很棒的学习材料。
Designing Data-Intensive Applications by Martin Kleppmann - 这本书就不远多说了,我们也推荐了好几次,是一本介绍如何设计复杂数据处理系统的圣经。
Super Pumped by Mike Isaac - 介绍了 Uber 的发家史。
Angel by Jason Calacanis - 介绍了硅谷的天使投资,包括投资策略和投资行为。
Company of One by Paul Jarvis - 介绍了如何创建独立公司的方方面面,给出了很多成功案例。
Principles by Ray Dalio - 桥水基金创始人 Ray Dalio 的投资理念。
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