Daily Productive Sharing 407 - Readings in Feb, 2022

One helpful tip per day:)
Today is International Women's Day, first of all, we wish all women have a good day!
The second month of 2022 has gone, and Fernando Gros shared the books he finished reading this month:
Be Recorder by Carmen Giménez Smith
Custer Died for Your Sins: An Indian Manifesto by Vine Deloria Jr
Midwinter Day by Bernadette Mayer
Mourning Diary by Roland Barthes
The Republic by Plato
The World Doesn't End by Charles Simic
Thinking Better: The Art of The Shortcut by Marcus du Sautoy
Coincidentally, I also finished reading Thinking Better this month, which is actually a very good book that combines mathematics and shortcuts to solve problems in everyday life into one piece.
The other two books I finished are Simply Said and The Dream Machine. This book focuses on how to improve the effectiveness of communication. The core of the book is not just to talk about what you want to say, but what the audience can get from your expression. In other words, the expression should be from the audience's point of view, so as to improve the efficiency and success of the communication.
There are many details in this book, for example, when responding to a questioner's emotional questions, the author suggests three steps.
transition and answer
The first step is about acknowledging the emotion of the questioner, such as I can feel your frustration about something.
There are two emotions that cannot be acknowledged: sadnes and anger. The former is because everyone's pain is different, and simply saying I can feel your sadness doesn't really show your sympathy, but will make the questioner suspicious. The affirmative anger will make the questioner more determined in his or her anger.
In both cases, the authors suggest responding with concern. Like the word interesting, concern is a relatively neutral and general word that can defuse both of these problems.
The details of these English expressions are probably the real value of the book.
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一转眼,2022年的第二个月就过去了,Fernando Gros 如期分享了他这个月读完的书。
Be Recorder by Carmen Giménez Smith
Custer Died for Your Sins: An Indian Manifesto by Vine Deloria Jr
Midwinter Day by Bernadette Mayer
Mourning Diary by Roland Barthes
The Republic by Plato
The World Doesn’t End by Charles Simic
Thinking Better: The Art of The Shortcut by Marcus du Sautoy
巧合的是,我也在这个月读完了 Thinking Better 这本书,其实这是一本很不错的数学科普读物,将数学和日常生活中解决难题的捷径结合到一起来介绍。
其他读完的就两本: Simply Said 和 The Dream Machine。Simply Said 也是值得推荐的一本书,这本书主要介绍如何提高沟通的效率,最核心的是不要只讲自己想要表达什么,而是要讲对方能从你表达里能够获得什么的内容。也就是说,所以表达都要从受众的角度出发,这样才能提高表达的效率和成功度。
transition and answer
第一步是讲要肯定提问者的情绪,比如 I can feel your frustration about something。
但作者强调两类情绪是不能肯定的,一类是难过 sadness,另一类是愤怒 anger。前者是因为每个人的痛苦都不尽相同,简单地说 I can feel your sadness 并不能真正地显示你的同情,反而会让提问者猜忌。而肯定愤怒会让提问者更加坚定自己的愤怒。
在这两种情形下,作者建议都用 concern 来回应。就像 interesting 这个词一样,concern 这个词相对而言比较中性而笼统,可以化解以上两个问题。
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