Daily Productive Sharing 398 - How to Reduce Mental Filtering?

One helpful tip per day:)
Mental filtering is a mental cognitive distortion that causes us to magnify negative details and filter out positive ones. Dr. Hannah England suggests three steps to change this situation.
acknowledge the existence of the mental filter and document the thoughts that occur when the mental filter occurs.
use cost-benefit analysis to specifically analyze the thoughts recorded above and analyze the benefits and drawbacks of those thoughts.
seek objective evaluations, e.g. from friends, from counselors for more objective evaluations, and document the positive ones.
In my personal experience, there is one more step that also helps: cut off these negative evaluations from the source. For example, when we first started this newsletter the year before last, we received some very inexplicable comments that appeared not only in our Telegram group but also in the comments of articles on the other platforms. After a closer look, I saw that they were all from the same troller, so I banned him. Since then, I have never been bothered by this troller again.
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心理过滤是一种心理认知上的扭曲,导致我们放大消极细节,而过滤掉积极细节。Dr. Hannah England 建议通过三个步骤来改变这种状况:
就我个人经历而言,还有一步也有帮助:就是从源头上掐断这些负面评价。比如前年我们刚开始做这一电子报的时候,收到一些非常莫名其妙的评论,不仅出现在我们的 Telegram 小组里,也出现在少数派的文章评论里。仔细看了看都是同一个人,赶紧拉黑。从此再也没有被这个 troller 烦过。
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