Daily Productive Sharing 392 - How Many Books Have You Read in 2022?

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One eighth of 2022 is coming to an end, so how are your New Year's resolutions coming along? If you plan to read more this year, how many books have you read in the this one-eighth of the year? Fernando Gros finished the following books.
No. 91/92: notes on a Parisian commute, by Lauren Elkin
The Art of Memoir, by Mary Karr
Hyphen, by Paris Mahdavi
Major Labels: A History of Popular Music in Seven Genres, by Kelefa Sanneh
Obit, by Victoria Chang
Letters to Wendy's, by Joe Wenderoth
Still Possible, by David Whyte
The Mountain Is You: Transforming Self-Sabotage into Self-Mastery*, by Brianna Wiest
Last year was my lowest reading year in recent years, so my plan this year is to get back to my previous reading level, so I've been reading at least 25 minutes a day without interruption so far. I've just finished three books so far.
Think Again by Adam Grant
It introduces the mindset of scientists: keep hypothesizing, keep testing until you find the truth. We should build this thinking habit in our daily life, and not take for granted our inherent knowledge to think about new problems. We should keep overturning our own perceptions so that we have more opportunities to learn new things.
The Future of Money by Eswar Prasad:
This is a very detailed science book on money, from the birth of paper notes to the future of sovereign digital money.
The Dream Machine by Mitchell Waldrop
A history of the invention of the modern computer, featuring almost every generation of technology pioneers, from Turing/Von Neumann all the way to Gates/Jobs.
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2022 年的八分之一即将过去,不知道你的新年愿望进行得如何了?如果你计划在这一年里多读书,在过去的八分之一里你读了多少书?Fernando Gros 读完了下面这几本书:
No. 91/92: notes on a Parisian commute, by Lauren Elkin
The Art of Memoir, by Mary Karr
Hyphen, by Paris Mahdavi
Major Labels: A History of Popular Music in Seven Genres, by Kelefa Sanneh
Obit, by Victoria Chang
Letters to Wendy’s, by Joe Wenderoth
Still Possible, by David Whyte
The Mountain Is You: Transforming Self-Sabotage into Self-Mastery, by Brianna Wiest
去年是我近几年读书最少的一年,所以我今年的愿望是能恢复到去年之前的阅读量,所以每天至少读书25分钟, 到目前还没有中断过。目前刚读完三本书:
Think Again by Adam Grant
The Future of Money by Eswar Prasad
The Dream Machine by Mitchell Waldrop
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