Daily Productive Sharing 387 - How to Read A Book 90% Faster?

One helpful tip per day:)
Hunter Walk's advice on how to read self-help/business management books more efficiently is to read only the second chapter, which usually summarizes the main points of the book, so that's the essence. If you're still interested in the book after this chapter, then move on to the other chapters; if not, give up.
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如何更有效率地阅读自我帮助类/商业管理类书籍?Hunter Walk 给出的建议就是只读第二章,一般这一章会综述全书的要点,所以也就是精华所在。如果你读完这章仍旧对这本书感兴趣,那么可以继续阅读其他章节;如果不感兴趣,就放弃吧。
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