Daily Productive Sharing 382 - What Are Book Summaries for?

One helpful tip per day:)
We recommended David SIver's book excerpt Daily Productive Sharing 040 - 20201015 when we first started the DPS newsletter. In today's recommendation, he discusses his book excerpts:
He publishes these book excerpts firstly for himself and secondly to encourage people to read the original books that interest them.
If one only reads his book excerpts without reading the original, one cannot actually fully appreciate the full intent of the original. As these book excerpts are made by him based on his own interest/knowledge base and are not a complete summary of the original.
Although he was worried that this would lead to copyright lawsuits, many authors thanked him for sharing his book excerpts, as many readers read them and then went on to buy the original books to read.
He would use these excerpts in the following ways:
Save the ideas I find most interesting, and worthy of further thought.
Re-read those notes occasionally.
Reflect on one.
Inspired by Siver, we have also posted some book summaries: Book Club, so if you like this kind of sharing, feel free to let us know. We may restart these shares this year.
Daily Productive Sharing 222 - 20210622
Daily Productive Sharing 224 - 20210624
Daily Productive Sharing 234 - 20210708
Daily Productive Sharing 235 - 20210709
Daily Productive Sharing 268 - 20210825
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我们在刚开始做 DPS 电子报的时候,就推荐过 David SIver 的书摘 Daily Productive Sharing 040 - 20201015。今天的推荐里他讨论了自己的书摘:
受 Siver 的启发,我们也发布过一些书摘:Book Club,如果你喜欢这样的分享,欢迎告诉我们。我们可能会在今年重启这些分享。
Daily Productive Sharing 222 - 20210622
Daily Productive Sharing 224 - 20210624
Daily Productive Sharing 234 - 20210708
Daily Productive Sharing 235 - 20210709
Daily Productive Sharing 268 - 20210825
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