Daily Productive Sharing 378 - How to Innovate Efficiently?

One helpful tip per day:)
#todo #time_management
When we innovate, how we generate ideas is a very important step, and the Zwicky box is one such thinking tool that helps us organize our ideas. Specifically, this method is divided into three steps.
list the categories;
list the options in each category;
arrange a combination of options under different categories to see which have not been tried.
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当我们创新时,如何产生点子是非常重要的一步。Zwicky box 就是这样一个思维工具,帮助我们整理自己的点子。具体而言,这一方法分为三步:
举个例子,假设我们要开发一款新车,那么可以试着用 Zwicky box 来整理思路:
国内市场上有一大波电动车,大多是轿车和 SUV,皮卡正好是个空白,而且四驱电动车也比较少见,这样四驱电动皮卡可能拥有潜在的市场。
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