Daily Productive Sharing 377 - Why Does Typing Matter?

One helpful tip per day:)
Brian Lovin describes rapid typing as an important skill:
the primary purpose of typing is to get ideas down in as little time as possible.
that when typing a draft, getting one's thoughts down as much as possible is akin to vomiting
if we need to use the mouse or touchpad, it means we are not using the shortcut keys, so we can try to find the corresponding shortcut keys and remember them.
Here are some important combinations of shortcuts that Brian mentioned:
Option + arrow keys - traverses text, either between words, lines, or paragraphs.
Shift + arrow keys - selects a range of characters
Shift + option + arrow keys - selects a range of words or lines of text
Command + arrow keys - jumps to the start/end of a line, or the start/end of the document
Command + shift + arrow keys - selects all text in a line or document
Option + backspace - deletes a word
Command + backspace - deletes all text on the line before the cursor
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Brian Lovin 介绍了快速打字是一项重要技能:
以下是 Brian 提到的一些重要组合快捷键:
Option + arrow keys — 遍历文本,可以在字、行或段落之间进行。
Shift + arrow keys — 选择一个范围
Shift + option + arrow keys — 选择一个字或行的文字范围
Command + arrow keys — 跳到一行的开头/结尾,或文件的开头/结尾
Command + shift + arrow keys — 选择一行或一个文件中的所有文本
Option + backspace — 删除一个词
Command + backspace — 删除光标前一行的所有文字
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