Daily Productive Sharing 356 - An Annual Review by Anne-Laure Le Cunff

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It's time to write the year in review, and our old friend Anne-Laure Le Cunff, founder of Ness Lab, brings us her year in review:
it was a particularly turbulent year for her: her partner got a job offer in Singapore and she got a PhD offer in London, which meant they had to live apart, so they decided to get married;
the search for a PhD opportunity was not a smooth one, but of course she eventually got the opportunity at King's College London;
she was invited to Zurich for a TED talk, which was another challenge for her;
she learned from these experiences that fear is a normal part of life, and all we need to do is turn it into motivation to make ourselves better at life;
similarly, for planning, her attitude is: Make the plan. Execute the plan. Expect the plan to go off the rails. Throw away the plan.
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又到了写年度总结的时候,我们的老朋友 Ness Lab 的创始人 Anne-Laure Le Cunff 带来了她的年度总结:
这一年对她而言尤其动荡:她的伴侣拿到了新加坡的工作机会,而她自己拿到了伦敦的 PhD 机会,这就意味着两人需要分居两地,所以他们决定结婚;
搜寻 PhD 的机会并非一帆风顺,当然最终她还是拿到了 King’s College London 的机会;
她受邀去苏黎世参加 TED 的演讲,对她而言这是另一个挑战。
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