Daily Productive Sharing 347 - Why Is Bill Gates Optimistic About the Post-COVID period?

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Steven Johnson's sharing last week on the changes brought about by COVID, and today's sharing from Bill Gates, also focused on this topic, provides a more optimistic analysis of the technological updates brought about by COVID, such as faster vaccine development and production, more effective virus detection technology, cheaper oral virus drugs, and more user-friendly virtual meetings, and more.
Although COVID itself was a disaster, it has greatly facilitated the development of various technological fields. And according to Bill Gates' estimates, the acute epidemic phase of COVID will end at some point in 2022.
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Steven Johnson 在上周的分享中介绍了 COVID 带来的变化,今天来自 Bill Gates 的分享同样着眼于这一话题。Bill Gates 更加乐观地分析了 COVID 带来的技术更新,比如更快速的疫苗研发生产,更加有效的病毒检测技术,更加低廉的口服病毒药物,以及更加人性化的虚拟会议等等。尽管 COVID 本身是一场灾难,但它大大促进了各技术领域的发展。而且根据 Bill Gates 的估计,在2022年的某个时间点,COVID 的急性流行阶段会结束。
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