Daily Productive Sharing 309 - Why Do I Still Code at 56?

One helpful tip per day:)
Andrew Wulf is apparently more optimistic than the so-called retirement age of programmers in China, which is 35. Today's post was written when he was 56 (the last post on his blog is from 2019, so he's still writing code at 63) and explains why he's still programming at such an "senior" age. No matter which industry you work for, Andrew's experience are very inspiring:
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programming drives us to keep learning new things, because the environment is always changing and new tools are always coming out, so we have to keep learning.
programming also requires interest, and if one day the interest ceases, then there is also no longer will be programming.
it is not worthwhile to spend more time on the job, but to work smarter.
having passion
when you are young and experience when you are older, if you combine the two you will become stronger.
Yes I Still Want To Be Doing This at 56
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相较于国内所谓35岁就是程序员的退休年龄,Andrew Wulf 显然更乐观。今天的文章是他56岁时写的(blog 上最后一篇文章是2019年的,那么他在63岁的时候还在写代码),介绍了他为什么在如此“高龄”还在编程。显然与我们认知里的“高龄”不一样。无论我们身处什么行业,Andrew 的经验之谈都极具启发性:
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