Daily Productive Sharing 307 - How Was Dell Transformed

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The Dell brand was founded by Michael Dell and then taken private by him in 2013 after it went public. Play Nice But Win is an autobiography detailing the privatization and subsequent transformation of Dell. The book focuses on Dell's transformation from a product/strategy/execution perspective that turned the market around and allowed Dell to thrive in an environment where the PC industry as a whole continued to decline.
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Michael Dell's Book "Play Nice But Wine"
Michael Dell says the key to wining is being unafraid to take risks
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Dell 这一品牌有 Michael Dell 一手创立,上市之后,又有 Michael 于2013年将其私有化。Play Nice But Win 这本自传详细介绍了 Dell 私有化和之后的转型历程。这本书着重介绍了 Dell 从产品/战略/执行等多个角度进行转型,从而逆转市场,在整个 PC 行业持续下跌的大环境下,Dell 的业绩却蒸蒸日上。
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