Daily Productive Sharing 299 - How to Change the Knowledge World?

One helpful tip per day:)
Meta is a whiteboard-based note-taking tool that is infinitely expandable, can combine knowledge points on its own, and can be considered an extension of the brain. Its founder, Alan Chan, has some interesting experiences.
He was guaranteed entry into the Physics Department of NTU, but dropped out after his freshman year, because he felt that the pace of the course was not suitable for him and he had met almost everyone he should have met within a year.
then he went to Minerva University in the Bay Area because it required four years of classes in different countries, much like Erasmus+. He dropped out again after a year of study.
he started Meta because he felt that the existing note-taking tools did not meet his needs. Even Twitter / Facebook can be considered as a note-taking tool, because many people use them as a communication tool and continuously output on them.
In this post, he explains why he created Meta, which people/books inspired him the most, and so on. All this from a young man of only 23 years old:
it is not enough to make a product, but also to sell it. Only products that built well and sold well are good products.
the reason for writing these articles is to let the public know what he is doing so that there is no reason to give it up.
the philosophy of Minerva University places more emphasis on learning how to think than just learning knowledge.
it is much less expensive and much faster to create tools than to change policy.
history is never single-threaded, but multiple threads intertwined moving forward.
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Meta 是一款基于白板的笔记工具,它可以无限拓展,可以自行将知识点组合起来,可以视为大脑的延伸。它的创始人 詹雨安 (Alan Chan) 拥有颇为有趣的经历:
之后去了湾区的 Minerva 大学,因为这所学校要求四年的课程在不同的国家上,和 Erasmus + 很像。他如学一年之后再次退学;
做 Meta 是因为他觉得现有的笔记工具无法满足他的需求。所谓笔记工具是由使用场景决定的,哪怕 Twitter / Facebook 也可以被视为笔记工具,因为不少人拿他们当传播工具,持续不断地在上面输出。
今天的分享来自詹雨安,在这篇文章里,他介绍了为何要创建 Meta ,哪些人/书对他对的启发最大等等。这一切都出自一个才23岁的年轻人。
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