Daily Productive Sharing 292 - What Are the Differences Between Books and Webpages?

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Hugh McGuire looks back on his reading journey and finds that he can recall a few books that have had a profound impact on him, but no web pages. Although the internet is more open and up-to-date, very little of it can accumulate. For him, a book is like a small dot in the web, carrying different intellectual feelings, and it is the connection of these dots that helps him grow.
Of course the web is not useless, the web is easier to link to, more open and easier to publish. So he suggests that the two take from each other: Books can learn from the web how to be bounded, but open. The web can learn from books how to be open, but bounded.
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What books can learn from the Web / What the Web can learn from books
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同样是获取知识,从书本中,从网上,有什么不同?Hugh McGuire 回顾了自己的阅读历程,他发现自己能想起对自己影响深远的几本书,但是想不起对自己影响深远的网页。尽管网络更开放,更及时,但是能沉淀下来的却很少。与他而言,一本本书就像网络中的一个个小点,承载着不同的知识感情,而这些点连结起来才帮助他成长。
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