Daily Productive Sharing 245 - An Interview of Marc Andreessen
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(The English version follows)
Marc Andreessen 是著名的风险投资人,当然他也一直笔耕不辍,写了很多极具影响力的文章,比如 Software Eats The World。我们之前也分享了很多 Marc 的内容,比如他的书架。今天的分享是 Marc 最近的访谈分享。他在这篇访谈中谈了很多:
创作者经济刚刚开始起步,这种模式让创作更有可能延续下去,这点和 Tim O‘Reilly 的观点类似 Daily Productive Sharing 231 - 20210705
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Interview: Marc Andreessen, VC and tech pioneer
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Marc Andreessen is a well-known venture capitalist, and of course he has been writing a lot of influential articles, such as Software Eats The World. We've shared several articles of / by Marc, such as his bookshelf. Today's share is a recent interview with Marc. In this interview he talks a lot about:
the epidemic is actually a really great opportunity to disrupt. Many companies have sought change before, and that in the climate of the epidemic, there is much less resistance to change because the same has to change.
the epidemic was actually a very good litmus test, with all the public sector performing extremely poorly, and instead the private sector companies doing great. It could have been much worse if not for the efforts of the private sector in vaccine development, etc.
housing/healthcare/education are three areas that have not yet been much changed by technology, so it remain pricey and inefficient. Conversely, other areas that have been transformed by technology have been significantly reduced in price. So there is still a lot of potential in the housing/health/education sectors.
the creator economy is just starting to take off, and this model makes it more likely that creativity will continue, which is similar to Tim O'Reilly's view Daily Productive Sharing 231 - 20210705
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Interview: Marc Andreessen, VC and tech pioneer
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