Daily Productive Sharing 240 - What Is the Biggest Coding Horror?
The phrase Coding Horror is from this book, and it made him realize that we ourselves are the biggest coding horror.
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(The English version follows)
StackOverflow 的联合创始人 Jeff Atwood 介绍了他为何把自己的 blog 命名为 Coding Horror。这个词语源自 Code Complete 一书,而这本书正好是 Jeff 刚入行时出版的。当他偶然遇见这本书,就爱不释手,在一周内读了三遍。这本书重塑了他对程序员这一职业的认知,让他变得更加谦逊。而 Coding Horror 正出自这本书,也让他明白我们自己才是最大的 coding horror。
On The Meaning of "Coding Horror"
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Jeff Atwood, co-founder of StackOverflow, explains why he named his blog as Coding Horror, a term derived from the book Code Complete. It was published when Jeff first started in the business. When he stumbled across it, he fell in love with it and read it three times in a week. It reshaped his perception of what it means to be a programmer and made him more humble. The phrase Coding Horror is from this book, and it made him realize that we ourselves are the biggest coding horror.
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On The Meaning of "Coding Horror"
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